what time does cricket close

What Time Does Cricket Close? 4 Factors That Influence Closing Hours

Wondering what time does cricket close? Discover the varying closing hours based on location, day, and more with our in-depth guide.

Have you ever wondered what time cricket facilities close? Whether you’re a player or a spectator, knowing what time does cricket close facilities is essential for planning your cricket activities. But what factors actually determine when cricket closes its doors? Join us as we explore the four main factors that influence the closing hours of cricket facilities.

cricket and weather conditions

Cricket closing hours may vary based on factors such as location, day of the week, playing format, and weather and light conditions. Understanding these factors can help you make the most of your cricket experience. So, let’s dive in and find out what truly determines the closing time of cricket facilities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cricket closing hours depend on various factors like location, day of the week, playing format, and weather and light conditions.
  • Different countries have different seasons for cricket, affecting the opening and closing hours of facilities.
  • Weekends generally have longer operating hours for cricket facilities compared to weekdays.
  • The playing format of the match influences the closing hours, with test matches having longer durations than limited-overs formats.
  • Weather conditions and daylight availability can impact the closing time of cricket facilities.


The location of a cricket facility plays a significant role in determining its closing hours. Different countries and regions have different seasons for cricket, and the game is typically played during specific times of the year.

For example, in England, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, where cricket is a summer sport, the game is played in the summer months. In the West Indies, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, where summers coincide with hurricane and typhoon seasons, cricket is played in the winter. These variations in seasons and weather conditions affect the closing hours of cricket facilities.

Cricket Season by Location

Location Cricket Season
England, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Zimbabwe Summer months
West Indies, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh Winter months

Understanding the seasonal variations in different regions allows cricket enthusiasts to plan their activities and make the most of the sport.

Day of the Week

The closing hours of cricket facilities are influenced by the day of the week. Understanding the specific operating hours by day is essential for planning your cricket activities. Let’s explore the different closing hours on weekdays and weekends.

Weekday Cricket Hours

On weekdays, the opening and closing hours of cricket facilities may be adjusted to accommodate school or work schedules. Typically, these facilities open in the evening after school or working hours and close around 10 PM. This allows enthusiasts to engage in the sport after their daily commitments. It is advisable to check with your local cricket facility for their specific weekday operating hours.

Weekend Cricket Hours

Weekends, especially Saturdays and Sundays, often have longer operating hours for cricket facilities. As more people have time to participate in the sport or watch matches, these facilities extend their closing hours to cater to the demand. On weekends, cricket facilities usually open early in the morning and close late in the evening. This provides ample time for players and spectators to enjoy the sport. Again, it is recommended to check with your local cricket facility for their exact weekend operating hours.

Understanding the specific closing hours of cricket facilities on each day of the week allows you to plan your cricket activities accordingly. Whether it’s scheduling practice sessions or attending matches, being aware of the weekday and weekend cricket hours ensures you can make the most out of your cricketing experience.

Day of the Week Weekday Closing Hours Weekend Closing Hours
Monday 5 PM – 10 PM 9 AM – 8 PM
Tuesday 5 PM – 10 PM 9 AM – 8 PM
Wednesday 5 PM – 10 PM 9 AM – 8 PM
Thursday 5 PM – 10 PM 9 AM – 8 PM
Friday 5 PM – 10 PM 9 AM – 8 PM
Saturday Closed 8 AM – 9 PM
Sunday Closed 8 AM – 9 PM

Playing Format

The playing format of a cricket match greatly influences the closing hours of cricket facilities. Different formats have varying durations, resulting in different operating hours for cricket venues. Let’s take a closer look at three popular cricket playing formats and how they impact facility closing hours.

Test Cricket

The longest and most traditional format of cricket is Test cricket. Test matches are played over three to five days, with each day’s play lasting for six hours or more. Due to the extended duration of Test matches, cricket facilities that host these matches often have longer opening hours to accommodate the extensive gameplay. This allows fans to witness the ebb and flow of the game over multiple consecutive days.

Limited-Overs Cricket

Limited-overs cricket, also known as One Day Internationals (ODIs) or List A matches, is a format where each team gets a fixed number of overs to bat and bowl. These matches usually last for a duration of 90 minutes to three hours. Given the shorter playing time, cricket facilities hosting limited-overs matches may have more focused opening and closing hours to cater to the specific match duration. This allows players and spectators to enjoy the excitement of the game without needing to commit to an entire day or multiple days.

T20 Cricket

T20 cricket, also known as Twenty20, is the shortest format of the game. Each team plays a maximum of 20 overs, and the match typically lasts for approximately three hours. T20 matches are known for their fast-paced action, big hits, and entertainment value. Cricket facilities hosting T20 matches may have even more concise opening and closing hours to align with the swift duration of the game. This enables fans to experience the thrill of cricket within a short, action-packed timeframe.

T20 Cricket

Format Playing Duration
Test Cricket 6 hours or more per day for three to five days
Limited-Overs Cricket 90 minutes to 3 hours per match
T20 Cricket Approximately 3 hours per match

Weather and Light Conditions

Weather and light conditions play a pivotal role in determining the closing hours of cricket facilities. The game of cricket can only be played in dry weather, ensuring fair play and a safe environment for the players. However, when it rains or when there is bad light, play is halted to protect the players and maintain the integrity of the game.

Cricket matches are often played during daylight hours, taking advantage of natural light. However, in certain situations, floodlights are used to extend play into the evening for day/night Test matches and limited-overs games. These floodlights provide adequate illumination, allowing matches to continue even after sunset.

The unpredictable nature of weather and light conditions means that cricket matches can be interrupted or delayed. Rain delays are common in cricket, especially in countries with frequent rainfall. Similarly, bad light interruptions occur when the light conditions become inadequate for play, making it difficult for players to see the ball properly.

“The weather and light conditions are constantly monitored during cricket matches to ensure the safety of the players and maintain the fairness of the game.”

To accurately determine the closing hours of cricket facilities, it is essential to consider these weather and light conditions. Depending on the severity of the rain or the level of visibility under inadequate light, matches may be temporarily suspended or postponed until the conditions improve. This constant monitoring ensures that the welfare of the players and the quality of the game are prioritized.

Rain Delays Matches can be temporarily suspended or postponed when it rains.
Bad Light Interruptions Play may be halted when the light conditions become inadequate for play.
Day/Night Matches Floodlights are used to extend play into the evening.

cricket and weather conditions


As we can see, weather and light conditions have a significant impact on the closing hours of cricket facilities. By considering these factors, cricket authorities ensure the safety of the players and uphold the fairness of the sport. It is essential for cricket enthusiasts to stay updated on weather forecasts and keep an eye on light conditions to plan their cricket activities accordingly.


Understanding the factors that influence the closing hours of cricket facilities is crucial for anyone involved in the sport. Location, day of the week, playing format, and weather and light conditions all play a significant role in determining when cricket facilities close.

By considering these factors, individuals can plan their cricket activities accordingly and make the most out of their time at the facilities. Whether it’s finding out the specific operating hours on weekdays or weekends, adjusting plans based on the playing format, or being prepared for potential weather interruptions, being aware of these factors ensures a smooth and enjoyable cricket experience.

Cricket enthusiasts should keep in mind that closing hours may vary depending on the location and local regulations. It’s always a good idea to check with the specific cricket facility for their operating hours and any additional information regarding their closing times.

By staying informed and understanding the various factors influencing cricket closing time, we can maximize our time on the cricket field, engage in our favorite sport, and create lasting memories with our fellow players and supporters.

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